With professionals on the go, in the office and telecommuting, more companies are doing business in the Cloud. This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the technical landscape is continuously changing. Businesses are realizing the impact of the Cloud with greater competitiveness and productivity. They can operate more efficiently, more safely and cut costs that help free up capital.
4 Reasons to Do Business in the Cloud
Increased Security
It’s important to concentrate on your business’ primary goals, and your internet security should be one of them. Cloud servers offer a safe way to store data. Companies providing Cloud services have some of the best technology and security experts in the industry to continuously monitor threats and address them. And security is more than hacking; it is about making sure your data is stored safely so it is available when you need it. If a natural disaster or a system failure were to occur, you want to feel more than confident your data is safe. You want to know it is safe.
As an authorized user, you can get secure access from many devices at different times and locations. Doing business in the Cloud allows specified employees to access files from anywhere, at any time. For example, if you are visiting with a client and have an impromptu discussion on a project, you can pull up files even if you are halfway around the world. This can make the difference in landing new projects.
It’s amazing how much more productive you can be when you operate in the Cloud. Software is up-to-date and doesn’t impede the speed of your devices. There are no barriers to moving in and out of applications and the applications are integrated with software to maximize productivity. The number of applications you can access are unlimited and help with time management, collaborations, note taking and more.
Cost Effectiveness
Many companies are realizing the savings by using the Cloud. You don’t need to maintain as large a server or you can do away with a server completely. The Cloud also provides a cost-effective way to backup files and store them. And it’s not just the cost of maintaining the backup where you save money. Backing up files can be especially costly when workflow is disrupted because the backup fails or is not done correctly. Additionally, you can decrease your costs for network consulting while your IT personnel spends less time on overhead and more time on billable projects.
A great example of why companies are doing business in the cloud is our client at Griffith Engineering. We consolidated their servers to eliminate the cost of a branch server and integrated their network with Cloud services using our Rocketsync software for increased productivity. Click here to view the case study.
If your business is not taking full advantage of the Cloud, you are missing out on continuously updated internet security, increased productivity, improved accessibility, and a quick and cost-effective way to back up files. Plus, you’re risking falling behind with your competitors. Contact Boost IT at 404-865-1289 or [email protected] to start doing business in the Cloud.